Monday, November 21, 2005


well. i dont know what im doing but oh well.i been hearin so much about about blogs. especially on tv shows i met your mother and the king of queens. so i decided to start writin my own blogs. maybe i can make u laugh. lol..neways...well what i wanted to say is that i just discovered this new band. the subways . maybe people already heard of them but who cares about them huh.well back to my point. they are pretty good. i just downloaded some of their stuff and its good. also it seems to me that these days its all about rock. dont you think? because rap is so overrated.all they talk about is sex, clubs and bling...well u know what i dont give a crapity-crap-crap.also boy bands are totally out of the picture these days..well the point is that the subways and many other rock bands are the future..its always been like that since back in the days when we had ...The Rolling Stones, KISS, The Beatles..well yea..til later days...see you later

R.I.P Eddie Guerrero

This goes to my carnal Eddie Guerrero. One of the best wrestlers in the WWE history....VIVA LA RAZA........we lie, we cheat . we steal...but at least were honest about it.

Respect, Honor and keep in our minds and heart
