Monday, March 15, 2010

Monumentally Fucked Up. Eventful.

......So it all started with a vison. A vision of acid, mdma and narcotics. Well not really, it was Alice in Wonderland but it's quite similar. The film was FIT but not as fit as Will's mum, you get the jist though. After the film was the rad dance move, The Emptiness Tour stared my weekend. Monumentally Fucked Up. Evenful.

The Emptiness Pt. 1
Did not enter the danger zone off the bat. I had to warm up, you know. Of Corse. You get the jist, lounges, breakbeats, acting a fool 101. But before that lets travel to five minutes before.. in the parking lot and I realising that I was getting a wristband for the first time. Because I'm an adult. Mature and shit, bro. The wristband read "Responsibility Matters", yeah fool, it does. But I got a ticket to the fun zone and imma act a fool. So lets fastforward to the action that was I getting squished and being all sweaty, sexy and slutty. I reaked havoc on a melodic level. Eventful.

The Emptiness Pt. 2
The second night was rad. Got there, saw A Skylit Drive. They were Sharp on Friday but lacked it tonight. Still, they are always awesome to watch and I love them. Stood around the wall of the pit. I saw a girl get pushed to the ground as she attempted to hardcore dance. Attempt; Key Word. - Sidenote. I always have this feeling of compusting and hardcore dancing but I have no coordination or technique. Plus, I'm unbelievably awkward  and I just know chaos would erupt. Back to the girl. It was funny until it was sad. I started to realise that she was mentally ill. As from what I gather, as I studied her. I'm such an observer. I could ask my compadre Earl and she probably has no idea of what I'm talking about. She would be all like "Sharp. Sharp. (Twice because this is just how that fool rolls.) No, so se lo que you are hablando about. Tu mente is, like a marvel. Like, si, un marvel. No se." - Sidenote. I've realised that I love to exsist in the pit where you get the shit plucked out of you area more now because it makes me FEEL. Makes me remember I'm alive and gives me a sense of humanization, in a manner. So back to the beating. It was massive. Alesana came out SHARP, again, unlike ASD. They brought it and as usual portrayed sexy, slutty, dorky, hot, FIT, adorable and creepy all at the same time. Their shows are just like that. Made me wish I had studied their new album more, but the parts I did know, you know it; I went MENTAL. Eleven times seeing them live and I always come back for more. Eventful.

The Devil Wears Prada
I woke up in the morning..feeling like P. Diddy. Let's Rewind.....
Woke up in the moning...feeling like SHIT. It was a Bangover mixed with a Hangover, (though no alcohol was involved) and later realised it was food poisoning. Monumentally Fucked Up. THIS never made more sense than at this exact moment. Finally composed myself, well decent, for the conditions. Went to eat Sushi with my friend Eric, late due to my condition. Later jetted to Earl's to wiz as I almost did in my pants. Off to San Fran, on the ride I couldn't even respond or talk. *Monumentally Fucked Up.* Saw some of Prada, I did enter like a gladiator on mdma. Poised and in control. Control I tell you! Left after my fourteenth attendence of a Prada Show. Legit. Legit, I know. On the way home I got pulled over for the fourth time in eight months because that's how much of a twat brootal I am. Destination; Home. Eventful.

The Weekend; Monumentally Fucked Up. Eventful.

Went back to normal, boring reality. Work. Feeling, yes you guessed it *Monumentally Fucked Up.* Was doing good with my bruise on my ring finger. I know, how the fitch did that happed? I just roll in that way. I'm Jazzy, to the limit. Was with chills towards the end of my shift. Home and like a massive tosser drank coffee/hot chocolate, unknowingly that it would monumentally fuck me up. Academy Awards! So Tuesday 6am rolls around and I have a fever and I have school. FML. I go only because I have a midtrem on Thursday and needed to know if I needed to know any information. Left early, got home and slept. Woke up at noon and my fever had spiked. Having your fever spike to 102, chills all over you body, dehydrated and not eating for two days resulting in you now weighting 102, like the fever, was not fun. I was literally dying. On the ground. (Today I learned that I SHOULD of gone to the hospital because you can actually die from food poisoning #mybad, I can now say I fought death and won #irl) As I'm writing this you can gather I survived. James Fitch said it better, "you'll recognize me because i'll be the one with the badass mustache riding a grizzly bear." Hooray for me and let's say it in unison My Monumentally Fucked Up. Eventful. weekend!

Dear Naomi from Skins or Lily from Hackney,
I stayed alive!  I'm waiting for you to find me.

naomistayaliveiwillfindyou skins 

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